The difference between 13 gauge polyester gloves and 13 gauge nylon gloves

The difference between 13 gauge polyester gloves and 13 gauge nylon gloves

13 gauge liner with latex coated gloves are made by 13 gauge polyester or nylon + latex palm. Polyester and nylon look the same, but they have big difference in durability and cost. When we use for dipping gloves, nylon is better than polyester. It is more durable and soft, but the cost is higher. And because of its high cost — generally twice that of polyester, if clients do not emphasized, we assume 13 gauge nylon liner dipping gloves as polyester composition instead.

We provide different colors for clients. Some typical colors are white, black, red, gray and etc. Color has a certain impact on the cost of polyester gloves. White is the cheapest; Typical colors like gray, red and black are $0.088/dozen higher than white color; Uncommon colors, such as dark blue, it is $0.14/dozen higher than typical colors. So if you want special color, the quantity must be large enough to be customized, it does not apply to smaller orders.

The Layer quality can be adjusted by latex percentage. Higher latex content brings higher quality and also cost. BUT natural latex can not give us excellent abrasion resistance, it provides better flexibility only.

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